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Rising rice prices impacting Asia's stability

27 September, 2023



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GlobalData report highlights concerns



{reg}A report from GlobalData warns that surging rice prices, triggered by supply constraints and export restrictions, are causing disruptions in Asia, where rice is a dietary staple. India's ban on rice exports, imposed in July, has sent prices soaring globally. The report states that government-imposed controls, rationing, and stockpiling, combined with climate-induced crop losses, are severely affecting the region's rice supply. With Asia accounting for 93% of global rice consumption in 2023, these scarcity and price issues could destabilize the region economically and socially.

Extreme weather events, such as floods in China and droughts in Thailand, have devastated paddy crops. Malaysia and the Philippines have imposed retail price caps on rice, aiming to control inflation. Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, and Myanmar, surplus rice producers, are now in focus to bridge the supply gap. However, they may also restrict exports to stabilize domestic prices.

The report highlights that Asia's rice consumption is projected to grow at a 5.3 percent CAGR from 2023 to 2027, exacerbating concerns over supply and prices. Tim Hill, Key Account Director at GlobalData Singapore, points out that the El Niño weather pattern could worsen droughts, leading to more rice shortages, rising prices, and increased poverty.

The report underscores the fragility of international trade and its vulnerability to disruptions caused by various factors, including geopolitical issues and climate change. It emphasizes the need for diversified supply chains and the adoption of drought-resistant rice varieties to ensure food security in the face of these challenges.[/reg]

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