
CEO of Hormozgan Cement replaced

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Mansour Najafi is the new CEO of Hormozgan Cement, replacing Mansour Najafi

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Mansour Najafi holds a master's degree in chemistry from the University of Science and Technology and possesses various technical certifications. Prior to his current role, he served as the CEO and Vice Chairman of the Board at Durood Cement. Among his notable achievements, Najafi has held positions such as CEO and board member at Sufian and Khazar Cement, Technical Vice President at Ghadir Cement Holding, Vice CEO at Sepahan Cement, Factory Manager at Kurdistan Cement, Production Manager at Kurdistan Cement, and Production Manager at the National Iran Lead and Zinc Company. Najafi is also an author of several publications in this field, covering topics such as the production of composite and hydraulic blended cement, principles of cement production line operation, and the feasibility of producing blended cement using iron smelting slag.

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